The process of job hunting is one of the most time-consuming and stressful processes, in which you have to showcase your entire life timeline and experience on a single piece of paper.
Even if you carry a marvelous representation of your skillset, a strong career profile, but you are not receiving any interview calls then the design seems to be the problem.
You need to get your best foot out there to get noticed, and the first thing any Hiring manager will observe is your design.
If your design is not appealing and attention-grabbing, they might switch towards the next resume without even reading the content.
“Our Brand design company hire the best digital artists to craft your resume making it minimal and highly visually appealing.”
Hiring managers have to go through several resumes in a short time duration, that is why the look and feel of your resume matter the most. If they find it worth giving a read, they will consider yours.
Your resume’s layout and design uplift and support your valuable info, increasing the readability of your resume.
There are some major factors we will discuss which contribute to Resume Designing.
Selection of Fonts
Fonts matter the most when it comes to the readability of your content. The selection of new decent-looking fonts makes your content interesting and different. Most of the candidates utilize default fonts i.e., Arial, New times roman fonts, which seem outdated nowadays.
Don’t use font sizes that are too small that will affect your content readability, while using larger fonts it might be tough to adjust most of the content on the limited space of your resume. The ideal size for the fonts is between 11 to 14 points.
Make your headings bold so that they are clear and easier to differentiate. Stick to consistent sizes for headings and description. If you are having trouble finding the right fonts, consider the site, it has a variety of latest and updated fonts, which are unique and premium.
Use the Right Layout
Selection of the right layout for your resume is also one of the most critical processes. Hiring managers spend few seconds on your resume, so you have to make use of the visual spacing of your resume right.
A resume carries a bulk of information being bombarded on a limited canvas, adding paddings and sliders in your resume not only makes it look appealing but also handles most of the important highlights and features which you want to showcase. It can hold your interpersonal skills, software skills, languages ratings, hobbies sections, etc.

Use Graphical Resources
If you are lucky enough and your hiring manager wants to contact you to get you lined up for an interview, make sure your contact section is super organized and easier for them to contact you.
Using graphical resources such as icons and logos which represent contact mediums can be included. If you have your social media channels mentioned, you can use their logos to represent them instead of writing the whole domain link in it which seems pretty awkward.
If you are sending your resume via email, you can add hyperlinks to your social media handles for your accounts.

Consider decent Color Schemes
Your resume is one of the official documents which tells a lot about you. You have to make sure that the color schemes you are using are decent and not too vibrant that they might feel rough and edgy to the viewer’s sight.
Pick a decent solid color that is neither too bright nor too vibrant, using shades of black and dark color contrast that are virtually mesmerizing to the user’s sight should do the trick.
Usually shades of Blue, Black, and Grey blend perfectly for resume design.

Consider using Infographics
Using such graphical elements boost your resume to the next level. Make use of infographics to depict your percentage about a certain field or domain.
You can use a graphical timeline that covers your milestones you achieved.
Don’t use elements that don’t relate to your resume. Make sure every element you are using contributes and have a reason.

Export in the right Format
Make sure that once you are done designing your resume, you export it in the right format. Sometimes the file which seems all alleged and perfect, may get glitched and messed up on the hiring manager’s screen. Exporting your resume in a Pdf format is the best way to overcome that issue. Pdf formats are always consistent.
The updating process of your resume keeps on rolling, so make sure if you have designed your resume on platforms like Adobe Photoshop, or InDesign you have your editable format saved so you can do the quick changes to it if required.
Now you know that you should be focusing while designing your resume instead of selecting any random templates from the interest. If you want to get professional assistance in getting your customized resume design, you can check out our Resume Designing Services.