Link Building Tactics To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Oh, I know! link building is not a piece of cake, it is damn hard. And that is the reason why people find it difficult to build needle-moving links for their websites no matter what strategy they use. If you are also the one who struggles to build links, don’t worry! You are in the right place. However, if you think this article will be loaded with tons of link-building strategies, the answer is actually NO. here I’m gonna display some of the useful tactics for you. The tactics that you can easily recreate for your site also that could lead needle-moving links and in return, this could bring traffic to your site and profit for your business. Before showing the tactics to improve your digital marketing strategy, we need to understand something first.


Difference between link building strategy and tactics


The two of these terms have a big difference.

  • The strategy actually means your overall plan.
  • But on the other hand, the tactic is when you focus on the true means to achieve a goal.


And you know there is only one link-building strategy that works best, that is generate something “link-worthy”. I understand you have already heard this like million times but this is the one and only way. Yet that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to generate huge blog posts or interactional guides as others have told you to do so. Because for most businesses their products and services can be what you call link-worthy. An example of this is that we get tons of links as a result of what kind of tools we create, not in return for the blogs we publish. So, take your strategy as the generator producing your link building venture and the tactics as diesel used to keep it rushing. Now without wasting any time let’s move forward to the tactics.


Useful tactics for link building


Wanna know a fact? Every link-building tactic orbits around it’s outreach. But do you know what is outreach? It is when you get in touch with the people from your niche and show your content to them. However, interestingly you don’t even need any content at all. You just have to have something worthy of a link. It could be anything such as your product, your services, your brand, and even personality.

Now you might understand that outreach performs great with linkable strong suits which means that you need to get in touch with people in your niche so that your content can be useful for them such as your articles, tools, and infographics. Now the question is who are those you should be getting in touch with, Right? At first to those who have acknowledged your keyword in their posts and second are those who linked to the related articles on the topic.

The best way to identify people who fit the first requirement is to use Content Explorer. Simply enter a word or phrase, and it will search nearly 1 BILLION website page for results.

Let’s see how it goes with “guest blogging.”

There are 37,726 results. If you check the “one article per domain” box, you’ll basically get a number of unique sites to contact. All you have to do now is look up their contact details and write an email. This is also simple for those who have linked to comparable articles on a topic. Use Content Explorer’s built-in filter to find sites having at least 50 referring domains.


Useful tactics for link building


Search for a relevant page, then smack that caret and select the referring domains option to have a look at all the other websites linking to the specific page.

Useful tactics for link building


Go for a guest blogging

This is surely one of the ancient link building tactics till now and our main concern is how it actually works? First, you have to write an article within your niche and if they publish your article you can link to yourself from that particular site. It is as simple as that. Of course, now the question is how you can find a nice guest post inspect. Fine, you can go for the same technique as everyone that uses it that is to search for the sites diligently asking for guest bloggers utilizing Google search operators. Here’s how to do it:

Topic + intitle: “write for us”.

This would reveal the sites whose owners want to attract guest bloggers.

Go for a guest blogging


However, this is something that EVERYONE is doing. Every day, those prospects receive a slew of guest post pitches.

So, here’s the kicker:

Look for sites that don’t advertise that they accept guest posts. Simply search for relevant websites and offer them anyway. Even if they don’t specifically state it, most websites welcome guest postings. And ever think of how you can find the relevant sites in your niche? You can utilize a content explorer tool, it works like a mini search engine. You just need to enter any term and there will be more than a billion web pages so that you can find out the mentions of that specific word.


Creating a broken link

There are three simple steps of broken link building and these are:

  • First, you have to search for a broken link (that is relevant as well) on any website.
  • Then produce something like the broken source.
  • And at the end, ask the person who is linking to the dead source to link on your working one.

Moreover, if you are lucky and have a website of your own in the SEO niche, you can use it to your advantage by advertising your own guide (if you have one) so that you can keep away from Google penalties. Another way is to reach out to someone who can swap that dead link with your working one. And before you say anything, I know it’s a lot for one backlink but this is how you can do it.

But don’t worry! There’s a hack for it. You need to put the URL of that broken page into the site explorer and you can see everyone’s links to the page. But the real concern here is that how you can find the broken link building opportunity? There are several ways but one of the easiest ways is that you should search for the broken pages on your competitor’s sites.


Mentions without a link

In some cases, people mention you or your business without linking to your site. This is actually so common, you can’t even imagine. “What does it have to do with link building?” you might be thinking. In this situation, half of your work is done already and you can earn a link through it, so why not?

Give it a thought: because you are aware of the fact that whoever used your business name knows about you. Am I right? Then you have a good reason to contact that person and ask about linking to your site. Or at least convince them to do so. With this another question arises, how do you find the relevant mentions without a link? You can utilize a content explorer, but keep in mind that there will be billion web pages for any word you paste.

However, the difficult part is to determine that which of your mentions are linked and which are unlinked. Of course, there is a way to find out, you have to export all of the pages and need to check each page if they link to that particular word you have searched for. YES! It is time consuming and I’m not gonna go there. Instead, there’s a hack for it. You can find your unlinked mentions in just a few seconds.

The first thing you have to do is to select the “one article per domain” option from content explorer.

one article per domain

This will limit the outcome and you will be seeing a single page from every website. The next step is to utilize the “highlight unlinked domains” mark to high spot all those sites that never linked to you. Lastly, select “export” and tick the “only highlight unlinked domains” option to transfer Just the underlined website pages.


Recovering links

Building links is a challenging task. There’s no getting around it. And besides, did you realize that you’ve been most likely losing backlinks on a regular basis? You may, of course, prevent this natural process by creating a steady supply of fresh links. Recovering lost linkages, on the other hand, is frequently easier than creating new ones from zero. But, first and foremost, how are links missed in the first spot? This is due to two key factors:

  1. The link on the aligned page was removed.
  2. The linking page was no longer available.

It’s likely that the link was taken down from the linking page for a specific purpose. Maybe the writer altered or revised the content, and the link was accidentally disabled as a result? How do you know when linkages are lost as a result of this? Look for links with the “link removed” tag in Site Explorer’s Dropped backlinks list.

And how concerning links that are no longer active because the linked page has vanished? In the majority of cases, this occurs as a result of the author’s decision to erase the page (and your link along with it). Honestly, there isn’t that much anyone could do about it. Pages can, however, be accidentally erased.

If you feel this is the case, contact the site’s owner and inform them. If they learn of the problem, they will normally restore the page (and your link). Moreover, this is a good thing to do that would lead to a solid closeness relationship that could give rise to more linkages down the road.


Paid promotion of “linkable resources”

Links to clickable materials include tools, calculators, in-depth and educational blog entries, online tutorials, graphics, and so on. As I mentioned in the outreach part, acquiring links to such a sort of content is very much about informing the relevant people that it persists. If you do that, they may link to that too.

When it comes to outreach, on the other hand, you get to pick and choose who you want to reach out to. However, there is a better way to get your material in front of your target demographic: Pay for it to be promoted on Facebook or another PPC ad network (e.g., Google, AdWords, Pinterest Ads, etc.)

You need not to spend loads of money to achieve your goals. If your material appeals to your target audience, a small fraction will almost certainly link to it. This could be through their site, a niche site, a blog comment, a discussion forum, or somewhere else.

This strategy is undeniably beneficial to our link-building endeavors. What evidence do we have? Because our blog has a TON of links, and the majority of which happened to come about organically as an outcome of people viewing our content.


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