The Science Behind Logo Design

Designing a logo from scratch can be intense and frustrating if you lack the basic science of logo design.

Let’s assume you have the skill-set to craft a logo, but again before getting on the crafting phase you need a brief concept which you want to portray.

Most of you starting from ground zero might face issues, especially if you are willing to design a logo on your own, which requires a lot of time and skill-set with a strong understanding of Logo Design.

Hey! But don’t worry we are here for you; we will provide you with the secret tips our experienced graphic designers implement before designing any logo for a brand or company.


What is a Logo Design?

Logo design is all about crafting a flawless visual brand mark for a brand. Logo design can make or break the company’s entire foundation, so you must do your logo right.

Logo design is one of the first steps of your foundation, if you don’t do it right then your organization might get collapsed.


Logo Design, Simple and timeless?

Logo artisans might agree that the Logo design is much simple, memorable, relevant, flexible, and timeless, but do you agree?

No right?

It might sound easy to craft a logo, but actually, it takes a lot, and you need strong practice before you can start crafting proper and professional logos that also carry sound logic.

Remember a logo should be designed in such a way that it goes along with the brand aura, and the message they are trying to deliver so it is not simple as it seems.

There is a current model which is considered in Logo Design Science, called ARMM. It carried a couple of elements that a logo shall carry within.

A – Attention

R – Response

M – Memory

M – Meaning

“Do you want an appealing logo with a logo science that represents your brand perfectly? Try our Logo Design Services! And let us do the job while you relax at most affordable rates”



We as human beings evolve from time to time, the way we adopt things becomes the new normal for us. Our brain evolves and responds to three kinds of stimuli. You can utilize all of them to get maximum exposure.


  • Novel Stimuli

Your logo design should be out of the norm. It should be uniquely crafted and should be new, unfamiliar, and entirely different.

Novel Stimuli
  • Supernormal Stimuli

Take an element that causes an instinctive response, and symbolize it to get massive attention.

Such styles include Baby faces, Proactive Design & Contrasting Logo Designs.

Supernormal Stimuli

Supernormal Stimuli

  • Partially Obscure Stimuli

Objects that are partially hidden or incomplete in shape get attention.

Such logos take some time to get noticed and grab attention. For example, the Formula 1 trademark, constructed to two elements “F” and, “1” that is designed as negative blending in with the F (Right Variation).

Partially Obscure Stimuli


We all are responsive to different kinds of stimuli. Your logo should depict your brand values and the aura of your niche in your logo design. Your logo should trigger the right emotions in the observer that your brand holds.

There are three kinds of responses we typically react to;


  • Aggressive and Dominant Logos

These types of logos trigger an aggressive and bold response by using angularity, vertical or horizontal lines, and geometrical shapes.

Aggressive and Dominant Logos

  • Friendly Submissive

These types of logos trigger a super friendly response by using round curves, horizontal lines, and geometry. These logos provide with smooth look and feel.

  • Neutral

Elements that provide a classic look and feel and generate neutral emotions by using squares or rectangles etc.



Once your logo grabs the attention of its design and generates a powerful emotional response, it should also portray the meaning of your brand identity.

Without the actual meaning, there is no use of an eye-catching logo if it doesn’t represent your brand message.

The meaning of a logo is defined by proportional density.

Proportional density means the amount of information you are showcased per unit element.



There is a huge variety of content out there, several logos, several meanings to them. When it comes to recalling things your brain is smart enough and it excludes all the information that is either too complicated or useless.

Few key elements can be considered to make your logo memorable.

This is the ARMM model which will let you design your perfect logo design.


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