Reasons Why One Should Avoid DIYing Their Logo

A logo is considered to be the heart of a brand without which its recognition remains nil. Companies, especially nascent ones, are seen to be experimenting with their logo which, in their belief, is a necessary tool towards achieving success; without experimentations, one cannot decide upon which direction to take. Though partly true, however; toying around with a brand’s visual representation can cause the brand massive harm for its lifetime. Hence, designing a logo all by yourself can be a dangerous act to opt for if you are not a professional designer. Here are some reasons indicating why DIYing your logo could prove to be fatal for the brand.


• It’s the visual representation of your brand

visual representation of your brand

McDonalds is recognized for its legendary ‘M’, Nike is known for the tick mark it keeps, while Toblerone contains a depiction of the mountains of Bern, Switzerland. These logos have embedded into the core personality of their brands while proving to be an integral part of their allure. It is the power of these logos that have led it to combine with the persona of the brand while doubling its attraction and influence.

Now consider a mediocre logo, designed by an amateur designer. What would be its chance of making it to the list of the powerful logos as mentioned above? Will such a logo ever be able to walk aside the ones that have been ruling the world since forever? The answer to the questions, you know, is a big fat NO. Hence, the easiest way to avoid this fuss is to leave the design to the skills of an expert.


• Rebranding could be a pain

Rebranding guidelines

Once a brand’s logo is designed and delivered to the masses there is no getting back. Once a flawed logo is out, the damage has been made. And bear in mind, DIYing the logo raises the chances of it being poor and abysmal.

There are companies that do have the heart to opt for rebranding, however; for that you need a fortune of money and a good amount of courage to put your customers loyalty and equity at stake, since customer’s may tend to move away from the brand if the bond with the renewed brand doesn’t create. Therefore; rebranding can prove to be a pain and in order to avoid slamming in to such a situation, one should always consult an expert for their logo.


• Professional designers have the right experience and exposure

creative designers

Professional designers are equipped with the right tools, experience, and exposure that can make a logo attain perfection. They also have an idea of the recent trends and fads of the industry and hence, prove to be an extremely important asset in making the design standout from the clutter.

DIYing the logo, on the other hand, requires ample amount of research and time for the sake of getting hold of the industry trends and styles competitors tend to follow. All this has the potential of stealing a person from the core responsibilities of managing the brand. Hence, assigning the design task to a professional designer is a wise decision to make.


• Your time is money

project time and money

It is never a wise idea to spend your time on doing something you do not hold expertise in. In case of handling a business, a lot of things are to be taken care of on a regular basis. Wasting time on designing a logo would cause your attention to be diverted from the actual work at hand. Managing the brand, promoting it, and reinforcing the same are far more important tasks then designing, hence, paying attention to those is advisable while the designing task could be handled by a professional designer.


Good logo designs may not help your brand achieve the desired success but bad designs are sure to pull it down while leading the brand towards destruction and damage. Hence, DIYing the logo is never a good option to opt for. One can always search for designers online while bestowing the work in the hands of the experts, for the sake of fruitful results.


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