The Ultimate Guide; Elements You Need To Put On Your Corporate Business Cards

If you’re associated with branding and marketing, you know how important it is to own a business card to place your foot in the business market.

After indulging itself in creativity, even best small business cards have rightfully positioned themselves as one of the most effective marketing tools in today’s world.

Not only does it works as a mini advertisement, but the amount of attention it catches by being creative and appealing is impossible to measure.

Business Cards; Marketing Tool That
Offers The Most Versatility

In its initial phase, business cards weren’t regarded as a marketing tool instead they were restricted only to those who were privileged enough to make it; the elite class. And by being associated only with the rich, business cards were mostly a tool used for A-class professions.

Things have changed a lot in the contemporary era in terms of business card designing and printing. Similar to shapes and business cards color, other elements have found their way in the basic necessity criteria of making business cards as well.

Like I said above, business cards are now marketing tools that offer vast versatility to its users. From building a creatively-shaped business card for an interior designer to making a classy yet professional business card for a lawyer, this tool serves all.

So without further ado let’s start with the business card tips, we all have been waiting for:

Basic Elements To Create Exceptional Corporate Business Cards

Business cards, whether revived today are created in the past, are mainly designed to serve the corporate world. And even today, when modern marketing has taken over traditional marketing and business revolves around digitalization, business cards have marked their identity and importance as one of the needed marketing tools.

Some of the basic elements mentioned below are those business card facts, which not only designs an effective business card but also makes sure to serve its utmost duty, that is to catch and inform.

● Logo and Tagline; Make It Worth Space


One of the basic yet effective element used in designing of a business card is logo and tagline. Business cards are basically a paper that when made attractive can catch attention more than a portfolio on display. And the logo, being the face of your brand, impacts a lot on your brand identity. When a logo and tagline is made in accordance with the brand or organization, part of its duty is already been done.

● Name and Functional Job Title; Yes, they are different!


This has to be the most interesting elements on business cards. Some pseudo designers often make the mistake of either replacing the elements or using only one of them while designing business cards. Let’s clear it up right here, right now:

Your name is literally, your name. If you’re associated to an organization but your designation is worth placing on the business card, then your name is as important as your job title. Placing your name on your business cards saves yours from awkward and unneeded introductions.

Whereas, the job title is how your business function. It can either be freelancing or entrepreneur or photographer or videographer or anything, but you can’t just use inaccurate titles!

● Contact Information; Accuracy Is The Key


Contact information is basically late that should cover most of your business cards. The key point in this is, that your contact information should be up-to-date. Placing a phone number that isn’t functional or an email address that is dysfunctional can not only make you lose customer but will damage your brand’s image!

● Social Media Profiles; Because Modern Tools Works The Best


Surviving in this digitalized world seems pretty hectic. You need to have an active scotia media appearance, your brand should be recognized on social media platforms, your personality should have followers, your services should be trending and so so so much more. But when it comes to business cards designing, you have to pace the all the sources that will connect you to your customers. This includes all the active social media platforms and their links, social media accounts and profiles and website link.


While all these elements a business cards guidelines and also are primary elements needed while designing business cards but there’s much more to keep in mind as well. For instance, creativity; the elements needed the most in contemporary business cards is to be creative. So with apport use of elements and touch of creativity, you can have the business that will boost your brand’s reputation.


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