How Many Versions of My Logo Should I Have?

When designing your logo, bear in mind that it will be used in a variety of places, including your website, social media, official documents, and business cards. Regardless of the medium, your custom logo design must appear beautiful. Have you considered having several variations of your logo since space or backdrop colour may be limited? It might be beneficial.

A logo variation is a rearranged version of your core logo design. It allows your brand to appear consistently and easily in different placements. Every company needs a set of unique logo designs that can be used across several platforms, are identifiable, adaptable, and match the company’s overall identity. For example, how will your social media company page’s profile photo function if you just have one large and powerful horizontal logo? What will you put on your website header if you just have a small circular logo? Do you have any business cards? What about thank-you notes? Letterheads? Merch/swag?


Why Do You Need Multiple Versions Of Logo

As mentioned above, your logo must always appear excellent, whether on the internet or in print, if you want to present a professional image. Your primary logo may not be sufficient for all of your future requirements. As a result, having many variations of your logo may be suitable. There’s no need to scratch your head and come up with hundreds of various logos. Here are some examples of logo variations that you might find useful. The most crucial thing is to question yourself which versions are the greatest and to understand your requirements. Following are the most common logo variations that lead to a cohesive visual brand identity are listed below.


1. Primary Logo

A primary logo is self-explanatory, but it’s the logo that your company uses to identify itself. It’s your most complete and complicated logo design. It usually consists of words (your brand name) and a one-of-a-kind artwork or symbol. It may also include a tagline and the year it was established. Horizontally and vertically, primary logos are usually perfectly balanced.

The primary logo is the most often used variation of the logo.

For their detailed and complicated components, these logos usually need a lot of space. As a result, it works best on mediums that have plenty of room to breathe and aren’t constrained by space.

Primary logos are used on:


  • Headers on a website
  • Branding reports and documents
  • Postcards from the company
  • Pages dedicated to our company.
  • Platforms and large prints


2. Secondary Logo

This logo may be vertical or horizontal, depending on your industry. Alternate secondary logos are usually layered variations of your primary logo that have been stripped down. In secondary  custom logo designs, I usually eliminate any creative aspects or taglines to focus on the brand name (also known as a wordmark logo). For clothing firms, a vertical secondary logo works well on hang tags, while a horizontal variation is ideal for smaller print collateral pieces. Do consider this when

Letterheads, email signatures, and social media banners all benefit from wide logos.


3. Submark Logo

Submark logos (also known as logo submarks, brand marks, and alternative marks) are tiny, easily recognizable logos. If stacked logos are for enclosed spaces, submark logos are for even more small places. These logos are meant to fit within a circle, while it isn’t required. You might wonder why. Submark logos are often used on a variety of social networking sites.

When uploading an image to several social networking platforms, the images are cropped to fit within a circular pattern, which is the same shape as the profiles themselves. This applies to most social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and others.

Consider a submark logo to be a mini-version of your main logo, with most of it preserved but redesigned for channels where a complete main logo wouldn’t work effectively. The only difference is that you may have to eliminate some elements of your logo, leaving simply the company name and icon.


4. Favicon

Favicons are usually overlooked (until they go missing). Favi-what? Fav-icon. Think “icon” when you’re thinking “what is a favicon?” Favicons are similar to submarks, but they’re a much smaller design mark that simply contains your brand initials or a small illustration.

Do you notice the branded logos on the left of all the tabs you have open on your browser window if you’re reading on a desktop? They’re known as favicons, and they’re usually a square or circular brand mini-mark. A favicon serves one purpose: to give your website a final branded touch. If a website lacks a branded favicon, the platform’s logo is shown instead. Favicon is a great element you should add to your custom logo design.


5. Colour Variations

If you’re looking at the big picture, color-based differences are just as essential as shape- and orientation-based variants. Certain situations necessitate corporations painting their logos a certain colour to indicate their support for events, causes, and accomplishments. Pride month and the Black Lives Matter movement are two of the most well-known instances of such occasions. You may express your support for these human concerns as a responsible and aware company by changing your official colours to the cause’s colours. You can also use an online logo maker for more colours and designs.

Other events that can require some colour variety include the 4th of July, Christmas, and so on. Get your logo made in basic black and white, as well as the shades of the colours you may use for future occasions, to keep these alternatives accessible. Even if you switch designers or work with a partner, your logo will stay consistent if you use specified colours.

Cola is the biggest Cola’s bottle in Pride colours, and Instagram’s bright gradient to all black to support the Black Lives Matter movement, are two well-known instances of notable brands using colour variants for their recognizable logos.


The Impact Of Logo Variations

So, how adaptable is your brand? How many different custom logo design versions do you have on hand? It’s fine if you don’t get all five! There’s still time to get all of them.

Although having many logos isn’t required, it does increase brand variety, professionalism, authenticity, and pride.

Your logo should be more than just a pretty picture; it should also serve as a solution. You have a business that you’d like to share with a large number of people, and you’re attempting to gain as much exposure as possible. Format isn’t just a word. It restructures an orientation to fit it best— and people require this in order to respond to your brand.


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