5 Elements to Improve Your Website’s UX

Users and customers hold immense importance in the eyes of the management. A brand needs to align its offering with the needs and requirements of its users and if they fail to do so, the business is likely to be doomed. Therefore; adding the features that your customers love, to the offering, is as important as making the offering available to the right target audience for the sake of encouraging its trial and purchase.

In case if a business plans on going digital, website is the first stone to step on. Businesses that own a website tend to earn a fortune only if they shift their focus to enhancing the User Experience i.e. UX of their site. Since, it’s the viewers that matter to them the most, working on the UX serves as an extremely significant feature. Though the domain is quite vast and there can be hundreds and thousands of options that lead to improving the site’s UX, however; the 5 major elements, of the same, would remain the highlight of this blog.

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1. Clarity is significant

Clarity is significant - improve ux
A design containing complex features is likely not to gain the attention of its target customers and potential viewers. On the contrary, a design that promotes transparency and simplicity tends to win the show. The most important element, in case of a website, is its call of action icons. Placed in the right location, these icons can serve as tools that would help a business generate immense profits. If not given due attention, there would be nothing present on the site to guide the viewers and ultimately the site would fall short of traffic. Moreover; it is also highly significant to organize things on the site for the sake of reducing the level of confusion. For this purpose, web developers can opt for forming categories or drop down menu bars, to systemize similar kind of information under one head.

2. Speed is the key

Speed is the key - improve ux
Always remember, ‘your customers are short of time’ hence, making them wait won’t do much good to the business. Waiting for a website or a page to load is likely to make the viewers frustrated, causing them to move away from the website. This would increase the bounce rate for the site while reducing its traffic to a level that would lead to reaping low profits. Hence, while working on a website’s UX, speed is the key. The better the performance of the site, the healthier it would be in attracting traffic.

3. Familiarity gives an edge

Familiarity gives an edge - improve ux
Though breaking through the clutter while appearing different has been the new norm for businesses, however; at times it is familiarity that gives a website some additional attention. Familiar designs and experiences result in the creation of a sense of belonging that allows the viewers to stick to the site rather than making a shift to the site of the competitors. Since, users opt for ease, therefore; a familiar site gains more traffic based on the fact that the viewers are already aware of the functionalities and features it possesses. Easy navigation, accompanied with a great design is enough to make the viewers get fascinated by the site.

4. Test it before release

Test it before release-improve ux
Watching thousands of dollars going down the drain is extremely painful. Hence, in order to avoid such a situation from occurring, the website should be tested before its release. The test would reap feedbacks that could improve and enhance the site before investment is poured in to the initiative. This way, the business would remain at the safer end while the potential customers will not be forced to deal with a site that falls short of their expectations.

Moreover, a site that does not perform well is likely to create a negative perception of the business in the minds of the potential consumers, which is obviously not an appreciated consequence. Hence, testing the site before launch is the most secure option to go for.

5. Accessibility is vital

Accessibility is vital-improve ux
The core features of your design need to be at visible locations for the sake of easy accessibility. If hidden between layers, finding them would result in a major consumption of the time of the viewers while leaving them with no or less time to perform the important tasks. Hence, the major functions are advised to remain at spots where they can be viewed and used with ease.

Following these simple yet useful advices, one can easily make their site a masterpiece of perfection, while on the other hand ignoring them can prove to be disastrous for the business and the potential consumers both.


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