What is Corporate Identity and Why is it so Important for Business?

Your corporate identity defines where your business stands presently, and where it can go in the near future. Basically, every element that you use to promote your business in the market has a certain set of your business’ core values and image attached to it in the form of designing or copy. The identity of your corporate is visible throughout your campaigns, business card, website content, apparel, packaging and printed forms of advertisement, too.

Maintaining your brand’s identity is a vital step for the growth of your business. There are a number of reasons why having a design for corporate identity is important, but below are listed some of the basic reasons that you might need to know to comprehend the importance of this term:

Reasons why Corporate Identity is Important:

  1. It builds your personality:

    Your brand has a ‘personality’ which, in marketing terms, is referred to as a ‘brand persona’. This persona is basically a profile of your business. Moreover, your brand should form a personality that is prominent through public communication. An example is Nike’s personality of a strong, confident brand, and Apple has a tech-savvy, modern, and neat personality which is evident through its minimalistic logo, designs with more negative space, and subtle designing. Similarly, a brand with a strong personality appeals to people having similar personality traits that align with the business’s identity.

  2. It shows your consistency – literally:

    When you have a brand identity, your business can stay within the boundaries of that identity and have a ‘nature’ of its own. It helps your business appear consistent with its jargon, brand language, design/themes, etc. For example, all your stationery has the same color code and design themes; if your business card had a black and white minimalistic design and the rest of your stationery items were colorful and had playful designs, your identity would appear inconsistent through this mismatch. On the contrary, consistent designing looks aesthetic, professional, and allows viewers to remember you by that design. This consistency appeals to customers and forms an image related to your brand in their mind, confining an area associated with your brand’s identity. For example, when you hear the word ‘dare’, your mind would naturally remind you of its association with the brand ‘Mountain Dew’.

  3. It makes you appear different in a crowd:

    You want your potential customers to notice you. You want your brand to stand out in a crowd of competitors, especially on the internet. If your brand does not have a unique design for corporate identity, you are likely to be forgotten as obviously, the customers will not be able to differentiate you from others. Having a meaningful and appealing brand identity can help people remember you, recognize you, and identify you. For example, if Twitter did not have that light blue color and the bird as its symbol, you would have difficulty telling it apart from other social media apps on the internet.

  4. It tells people that you exist:

    With so many businesses starting up and even more businesses carrying out heavy promotions globally, it is easy for your customers to forget about you if they saw your ad just once. In fact, many businesses use re-targeting and re-marketing strategies to give reminders to the market that the brand exists for them, and these ads include a lot of elements that are aligned with the brand’s unique identity. Without this, people would not remember your brand’s existence, and when they would not be aware of your brand’s existence, they cannot approach you when they want a product or service that you offer.

  5. It helps form a relationship with the customers:

    Branding and identity building of a corporation go hand in hand, and so do sellers and buyers. Having a unique identity that defines your brand’s products or services will allow the business to form a relationship with the market i.e. customers. This results in increased customer loyalty, as people tend to trust well-identified businesses more than that are not, and their trust is a major factor in determining who they buy from. Other than just buying, people form a friendly relationship with brands who they are loyal with and this benefits the businesses by promotional word of mouth and other methods. This brings a tip: Maintaining relations with loyal customers is more important than fishing for new customers.

Creating your corporate identity is extremely important for your brand to survive in the market, especially with the increasing number and pressure of competitors in the market. A good idea is to outsource your branding to an established agency like Brands Design. Leaving your branding in the hands of a professional can result in highly productive returns.


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