The Premium Guide to Email Templates – All you should know

Email marketing is considered one of the best marketing strategies for decades. It is still in trend due to two main reasons – one that it is permission-based, secondly it is a one-on-one communication platform. This is why it’s been a most powerful medium to establish strong relationships with customers.

But what it takes to establish a successful email campaign? If you dig in deep, the design is the most important element that contributes to the success of an email campaign.

Let’s dive into it the basics before proceeding further.


What are Email Templates?

They are the collection of a subject line, an optimistic and minimal email copy, a fancy call to action (CTA) with an extension of CAN-SPAM compatible footer.

They are embedded in a single copy which makes the look and feel of your email more premium and eye-catchy.

These email templates are divided into three main categories.

  • Plain Text Email: It’s the simple traditional method of sticking to the simple text and adjusting its constructive blocks.
  • Html Email: It’s a combination of Images and colorful fonts.
  • Interactive Email: It possesses CSS animations.


Html Emails are mostly used by huge organizations due to their powerful impact in generating more leads. There are different types of Html emails you can consider depending on the type of company objective.


Types of Emails you can consider

  • Welcome email templates

This is an email generated to thank your subscribers after they avail of your subscription. Your welcome email should introduce your brand and propose a call to action.

For example – customizing their profile and preferences.

Welcome email templates


  • Newsletter Email templates

This is a recursive email that is mailed to all the subscribers regarding the internal news of the organization, brand information, and updates regarding their products/services. These types of emails generate the interest of your subscribers to perform more purchases from your brand.

Newsletter Email templates


  • Promotional Email templates

These types of emails convert your leads into sales, which means getting your customers to take the final action to purchase your product/service. These types of emails are purely marketing-oriented that provides your customers information that how your products can solve their problems.

Promotional Email templates


  • Order receipt Email

This type of email template confirms the purchase made by your customers. This mail is triggered when a customer performs a purchase. This email can be used to provide further instructions to your customers along with some add-on services.

Order receipt Email


  • Re-engagement Email

Among the masses, there is some kind of users that might ignore your emails. These types of emails target that particular audience to get them back in the loop to increase the email open ratio for better chances of conversions.

Re-engagement Email


  • Cart Abandonment Email

These types of emails are specifically used for e-commerce websites. These shoots when a user abandons the cart mid-way. They are generated after some time to remind the users about the abandonment of the cart, getting them to complete the purchase.

Cart Abandonment Email


Besides these, you might require more email templates depending on your business niche. For example (Birthday, Events, etc.)

You can modify them accordingly.


What an Email Copy should contain?

An appealing email can get your viewers’ attention but it’s all about the email copy that delivers the main message. Sending a couple of graphical elements to subscribers won’t make any sense.

Your email copy is the most critical part of your email. They can be crafted in different ways depending on the company’s niche.

Here we have mentioned some points that every email copy must have.

  • Pre-header and Subject line

This is the first thing your viewers came across with. These are the introductory lines you see while using any email platform. Almost 80% of the emails are opened if their Pre-header and Subject lines are catchy and deliver more in less.


  • Body copy

The main part of your content goes under the body copy, where you want to pitch the actual message. This extends the message of the subject line into more detail. The body message should pull your viewer to your landing page for more information so it has to be short and crisp.


  • CTA (Call to Action)

An email is nothing without a call to action. Emails are sent to your audience to get them to perform a certain action. It can be used to either redirect them to your landing page or get a direct purchase etc.

Your CTA should be highlighted and look visually appealing so the readers can’t miss them out. Typically adding one to two CTA’s is considered enough.


  • Signature

Viewers should know about the source of the sender. Include your email signature in the footer after ending your message along with the contact information, such as including a website or contact information.

Your viewers can approach you through your provided contact information if they have any queries regarding anything.


Crafting your Email Templates

Now you have an idea of what type of email you should pick and what should go in your email copy. The final stage is the Email Template Design that you should craft precisely keeping it minimal.

Make sure you don’t overdo the design doing so might kill the purpose of your main message, and all the attention of your mind might get diverted to those fancy elements of your email.

Here are few questions you can consider while crafting an email.

  • Your brand guidelines
  • Images of your products
  • Target Audience / Buyer’s Persona
  • Are you going to the A/B test?
  • Will the mobile layout be separate?
  • Email content copy
  • Hyperlinks to the landing page
  • Is there any interactivity involved? If yes, which interactivity?

Over to you

Following this guide will assist you in making your email template game better, and you will direct more leads to your plate and might even get them converted without any hassle if you are doing it right.


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