Tips To Create a Business Card Professional Design

Are you looking for effective marketing strategies for your company? A business card is a next step toward realizing your small business goal. And, for many potential clients, it will be their first engagement with your brand, so make it a good one. Firm cards are still essential marketing tools, especially if you own a small business. They’re small enough to carry around and hand them to people you meet at networking events.

Your contact information isn’t the only thing to create a business card professional design. It will help you appear professional, increase customer trust, and distinguish your small business from the competition. But, before you run around handing out business cards to everyone you meet, think about what makes a good business card. How can you make it stand out and, as a result, attract more customers?


Tips To Create Smashing Business Cards

Following are some of the tips for creating a professional business card for your business.


  1. Set Your Target Audience

Focusing on your target audience is the first guideline for designing an appealing business card design. The design must accurately represent the desires of your target audience. For example, if your target audience is designers, the aesthetics and features on your business cards must reflect that.


  1. Use The Right Logo

Did you consider the possibility of your logo being shrunk to tiny proportions while you were designing it? Your logo should be on your business card, but there isn’t sufficient space on the card for it. When you minimize your logo, it won’t be identifiable if it’s too intricate or contains too many words. Consider updating or designing a comparable logo for business cards, stationery, letterhead, and promotional products like pens, uniform shirts, and adverts if you have a complex logo that only looks great on websites and billboards.


  1. Keep The Text Legible

If you’ve been using a particular font on your website or other marketing materials, incorporate it into your business card. When entering information on your business cards, make sure it isn’t shrunk to the point where it is impossible to understand at first glance. All of your content should be at least 8 pts, but more significant information (such as your name or company name) can be printed in a bigger font, in a different typeface, or in bold. This is also one of the big factors in creating a business card professional design.


  1. Size And Shape Matters

Text size and the amount of information you may add are affected by the size and orientation of your business card… It also makes a statement about your company’s image. Are you a traditional, no-frills business or a bold nonconformist?

Most business cards are rectangular and horizontally put out, roughly the size of a credit card. Because this format is well-known, it’s a safe bet… Consider a square design, rounded edges, or vertical orientation if you want to stand out.


  1. Organize Your Information

When it comes to information, Customers should be able to contact you, find you online, or discover your storefront using the information on your business card. Add your company name, phone number, website, email address, and social media handles to your resume and your name and work position. Make sure you put all of this information on your business card so that clients may reach you in the manner that suits them best.

Consider how you’ll set out your information on your business card template as you’re putting it out. Each piece of information should be easily distinguishable while yet flowing in with the others. “For a strong visual flow in a business card design, start with the logo, then the name, and then go on to secondary information like email addresses and phone numbers.


  1. Pick The Right Colours

Bright colours can help your business card professional design stick out, but they can also make it appear gaudy, which is certainly not what most business owners want. If your business card isn’t made properly, bright, loud colours might make it difficult to read. It can be tough to read a card with a red border and a lot of gold text on a black backdrop. A card with a purple border, a white backdrop, and some lines of text written in purple and others in black, for example, might appear unprofessional.

Similarly, while very light grey, pink, or other pale-colored text on a white backdrop may appear creative to a graphic designer, it can be challenging to read, particularly in small font sizes like those used on business cards. If your client can’t read your phone number on your business card, they could go online and look for what you do… and then contact a competitor.


  1. Include Something On The Back

The purpose of the front of your card is to inform people about who you are, what you do, and how they may contact you. The issue with business cards is that everyone receives them—in fact, everyone receives a large number of them. How many business cards do you receive in a typical year, and how many of them end up somewhere other than your trash can?

If that’s where your card ends up, you’ve just thrown away a perfectly nice piece of cardstock.

Instead, why not provide a reason for the client to keep the card? Put something on the card’s back to do this. Perhaps a chart listing the approximate monthly payment for properties at various price ranges if you’re a Realtor. Or a list of emergency numbers in your town if you’re a security system seller.

The objective is to convince potential clients to keep your business card rather than throw it away. Customers respond favorably when you provide them something of value for free or at a low cost, just as they do in other parts of your organization.


  1. Paper Quality, Thickness & Type

14-point cardstock, which is thick, 100 lb. gloss over, which is thin, and 16-point cardstock, which is the thickest, are the most widely used papers. However, there are various improved paper varieties accessible for business card design printing these days. The glossy or matte quality of the paper is determined by a number of factors, including your target demographic, industry, and the information you want to include on the business card.


  1. Hire A Professional Printer

You should get your business card design professionally made if you want to have a strong start with a new customer and develop trust. When you cut back on your business card printing budget, you’ll wind up with a shoddy-looking card that won’t have the same impact as a business card professional design curated by an expert.


  1. Include A Call To Action

A call to action (CTA) isn’t required on business cards, but it might urge potential clients to take the next step. Create an incentive around your business to energize clients, whether it’s a unique deal, helpful advice, or a discount code.

As part of your call to action, consider using a QR code. Because people are becoming more comfortable scanning QR codes, including one on your business card is a fantastic one-click approach to bring visitors to your website, sign them up for your mailing list, or offer them a special deal. We recommend putting the code on the back of your business card, where it will be easy to scan and won’t distract from your logo on the front.



Creating eye-catching business cards that genuinely make an impression takes great attention to detail. The above business card design ideas will undoubtedly assist you in getting a good start.

If you’re considering hiring a professional graphic designer for your business cards, a flat-rate design service like Brandsdesign, which specializes in business card professional design, would be a good option.


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