How to Identify A Bad Logo Design? And What Are the Ways to Avoid Designing One?

Bad logo design is certainly a thing and we happen to see them a lot. How do we identify a bad logo design? Well, that calls for a critique’s eye who has been into designing for a pretty time but sometimes the bad side of a logo is so obvious that a layman would identify. However, the key point here is not to identify the bad logo design but to avoid making them and for that, you must know the drivers of bad logo design as well as the qualities of best business logos about whom we already talked in our previous blog.

An ideally professional logo designer surely has an insight into those drivers because he has certainly reached this point after being through these missteps. And so, he is now capable of determining the flaws in poor logo design. However, to save you all that hassle, we’ve put together a list of mistakes that are way too common in the realm of logo designs. This blogpost will surely help you know what you have to look out for when designing your next professional custom logo design.

Dive in to burst your curiosity!


Things to Avoid for Not Making A Bad Logo Design


The most prominent problem with bad logo designs is that are designed via obsolete designing techniques. For an instance, excessive use of 3D gradients, clipart, skeuomorphism, and some old-fashioned font styles was way too common during the mid-80s and early 90s. So, logos made with these features in the recent era looks extremely outdated and poses a bad outlook.

In case you’ve been dealing with such logos as well, the utmost solution to your problem is redesigning the logo. You can simply transform that outdated and obsolete logo into a fresh and modern logo by adding the trending features. Also, if you want to keep up with the vintage logo vives, you can incorporate them deliberately by either adding a hint of sketching to or elements that look ancient yet trendy at the same time.


Design Exhaustion

Logos with exhaustive designs and detailing have remained in trend for quite a long time and they are still considered great. But the bad about them is their non−versatility. Digitalization has brought miniaturization alongside and now your logo is not just placed on over billboards and vehicle wraps. They have to appear on company websites, social media profiles, product packaging, and everywhere regardless of the shape and size.

Therefore, detailed logos lose their attraction and features when minimized and portray a bad impression over clients. However, if you don’t want to let go of your amazingly designed exhaustive logo then the best solution is to adapt responsive logo designs. This means designing a different and less exhaustive yet similar logo to be placed over smaller areas.



An irrelevant logo isn’t all bad but it is bad for its own brand. Yes, you heard it right. Suppose you run a top fashion brand that’s purely feminine in the year 2020 and your logo is an antiquatedly designed monogram showcasing an ancient style dress inside with sewing equipment, will that be relevant to your brand?

No doubt it would have proved to be an exquisite logo if you were selling ancient classic clothing but with your pop fashion brand, it looks bad. No matter how much effort you put into designing and the amount of nice logo designing skills you collaborate, your logo cannot ace unless it rightly reflects your brand.



A logo that’s designed nicely but gives out no information about your brand is a logo without purpose. No matter how good of the artwork you’ve done, it will remain a bad logo design unless it tells the audience about your brand.

The solution to this is simple, add a little detailing about your brand. Maybe a little text i.e. your company name. Though the lesser text you add, the better it is for your logo, sometimes adding your name becomes necessary so as to convey the message to your audience.



Logos are a great means of setting up your brand style and mood. So, it’s important to design a logo that rightly describes your brand in front of the audience. Suppose you are a serious clothing store targeting elite men aged between 30 to 50 and your logo has colors like pink, yellow or blue and shapes that give away a childish look, will that be a good logo design? Nope. It will definitely look so bad and inconsistent.

Therefore, your logo must be designed in consideration of your brand’s style and mood as well as the audience that you are targeting.



What’s the purpose of an aesthetic custom logo design if it can complicate your audience about the brand? No purpose. A very common problem with most logo designs is that they fail to comprehend the exact message of a brand and confuses the clients regarding the brand’s purpose. They have too many messages at a time that it becomes really difficult for the audience to understand the real purpose of your brand.

Therefore, the best approach to solve this problem is to go after clarity. A minimal, clean, and clear logo design that gives away the message of your brand in just one quick glance is effective logo design.

To put it all short and condensed, logo design is a pretty vast field and there can be a lot of times where you feel like making mistakes. Whether you are to design a logo yourself or if you are hiring some cost-effective graphic designers, consider avoiding all the above-mentioned mistakes in both conditions.


ReadMore: Best Business Logos – Top Logo Design Types That Brings Incredible ROI


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