How Influencer Marketing Affects The Way We Eat

The way that we eat is one of the biggest indicators of how healthy we are and how long we will live. So, it’s a little scary to think that a mere suggestion from an influencer might lead us to start a complete diet overhaul.

However, that’s absolutely the case! The average food influencer campaign generates a 7.38% engagement rate. That’s five times higher than the average campaign. We are interested in what influencers eat and this is how it’s affecting our own diets.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Before we get stuck into the finer details, it’s important to know what influencer marketing actually is! While before, brands might have paid a celebrity to appear on a television or magazine advert, now brands are increasingly turning to (drum roll please) social media instead.

Sure, there are still celebrity deals taking place, but now there are deals taking place exclusively with those who have a large (or particularly desirable following). Thes people who carefully curate their lifestyle to appeal to certain demographics are known as influencers.

You’ll find macro, micro, and even nano influencers. Macro influencers reach huge groups of people – micro maybe tens of thousands, and nano influencers, sometimes, as little as a couple of thousand people. However, nano influencers also tend to have the most specific of demographics following them, which is ideal if your brand also targets that demographic.

According to a study by Influencer Marketing Hub, businesses are making $5.20 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing. It doesn’t take a business genius to work out that that’s a seriously impressive return on investment. So, now we know what influencers are and how effective a marketing tool they can be, it’s time to take a look at how they slot into the food industry.

How Much Leverage Do Influencers Actually Have?

For those who have house shared, room shared, or even cohabitted with a partner, if that person ate differently to you, did it affect the way that you ate? The chances are, it probably did. Research has shown that the closer your bond with somebody, the more likely you are to alter your eating habits to be more in line with theirs.

So, you’re not all that likely to add a green kale smoothie to your shopping basket because of a poster you saw that told you to. However, if an influencer who you trust and respect features that smoothie as part of their morning routine, then – quite simply – you are.

In fact, a report by Rakuten Marketing found that a staggering 65% of consumers changed their diet based solely on what they see on social media! It’s clear that influencers have an enormous impact on the way we eat, but how do they do it so terrifyingly effectively?

How Exactly Do They Influence Our Eating Habits?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to influencer marketing – but, there are some common themes. One of the most common approaches is to allow followers to feel like they can achieve a similar lifestyle through the food choices that they make.

For example, a fitness influencer might promote a vegan diet, alongside a branded detox drink, and their fitness regime. The vegan diet isn’t a paid advertisement – and neither is their workout, but the detox drink fits in so seamlessly that it feels like a recommendation from a friend – rather than a paid advertisement.

Some influencers join in on trends to promote certain foods. The #WhatIEatInADay hashtag has over 10 billion views on TikTok at the moment – with the number only growing. A prominent esports figure might hop on that trend to show what brain food they eat as snacks for gaming, claiming that they allow them to stay focused. Maybe they’ll create a balanced tray of guacamole, hummus, carrot sticks, and some branded chips. The content feels natural, encouraging their followers to take their advice and get in on the brain food.

The Importance of Leveraging Influencer Marketing Responsibly

I probably don’t need to reiterate how incredibly effective influencer marketing can be – especially when it comes to the food and beverage market! However, it’s important to consider how your business can leverage influencer marketing effectively, but also responsibly.

Before choosing an influencer think about how closely your morals and values align with theirs. If you’re promoting a calorie-dense chocolate bar that’s packed with saturated fats then a fitness model probably wouldn’t be a great choice. In fact, Gigi Hadid was heavily criticized for her involvement with a fast-food company just months ago!

Consumers aren’t willing to blindly follow what influencers say. They’re smart and something as transparent as a supermodel promoting fast food isn’t going to fly. However, a carefully curated collaboration between a brand and influencer who’s values align, is highly likely to be successful and that’s where the marketing magic can happen.


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