5 Best Graphic Design Trends for 2020

Graphic design trends for 2020 are one of the most needed topics of the time to cover the recent changes found in designing strategies that are expected to be followed as we enter into this year and even after. With the increasing popularity of electronic commerce and widespread popularity of online marketing as markets have expanded, graphic designing has become an even more important part of marketing strategies than ever before. Not only has marketing changed in nature, but so has the style of content generation and design. The increased competition has led to the trends of graphic designing changing faster than before as each design trend becomes overused and obsolete sooner due to everyone following it.

Hence, many of the trends of 2019 are now used to the point of saturation in the market and have thus become inefficient at catching the audience’s attention. This gives way to the need for new design trends for 2020, such as the ones listed below.

With the year 2020, graphic design trends have reached an important milestone. It’s the dawn of a new decade, and graphic design is poised to reach new heights as designers begin to define the era. There’s a feeling in the air that anything can happen—that we are about to witness the next evolution of graphic design as we know it. 99designs


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Graphic Design Trends for 2020 You Must Follow:

  1. Incorporating Desaturated Colors:
    Colors play a great role in determining how successful your design is at not only getting the message across to the intended viewers but also at ensuring that your ad etc gets noticed amongst the crowd of many that are available to the viewers. Hence, in the last year, an increase in bright, sharp, and neon colors were observed in the majority of designs published online or otherwise. However, since almost every other brand started using such color palettes to attract attention, some brands went the opposite way to be the odd ones out as apparently, odd ones are the ones that get the most attention. So, in order to avoid getting mixed in the crowds of neons and bright colors, use a muted color palette instead. By muted, it is meant that the colors are rather desaturated with either a white undertone or a black one. Desaturating the original color with a white undertone gives you lighter colors (obviously) which results in pale or pastel-like colors. These colors are soft and hence, bring the focus on the content on them. Desaturating the original color with a darker color e.g. black results in a rather darker tone of the same color, and is often a good contrast to use with the former muted colors.
  2. Expanding the Use of Gradients:
    Gradients have been popular in the last year from filters to backgrounds, but now as we enter a new year, it is expected that the gradient colors will be used for defining illustrations and in other more creative ways. Again, the use colors in the gradients and the intensity of the smoothness of gradients varies from designer to designer and the requirements of the brand’s message that is delivered through the design. Regardless, instead of the solid colored illustrations that filled the internet last year, this year expects more illustrations defined with gradients and shadows.
  3. Illustrating a Little Out of This World:
    People are bored with the regular illustrations that we have seen in 2d and 3d formats usually matching the ratios and outlines of reality. In fact, people are bored with reality, so designers are now giving them an escape from it. Recent illustrations show that the design trends for 2020 will include a large variety of illustrations that will be abstract. Caricatures and weirdly sized bodies with unrealistic colors and surreal settings have been found to be the new talk of the designers.
  4. Simplicity is the New Creativity in Font Selection:
    The audience has had it with the graphic designers trying ‘too hard’ to appear creative. While creativity is always appreciated, sometimes less is more. Unique, funky, and well-designed fonts are out of the picture now as people strive for the word ‘simple’ in everything designed or written. With a number of outgoing fonts in the market, look for the simpler, bolder ones to stand out and serve as a contrast to your designs while bringing the attention on what exactly you want to say to the audience. Let words speak louder than pictures this year.
  5. Playing Around with Geometrical Shapes and Lines:
    As with the newfound obsession with abstract designs in the market, there has also been substantial recent popularity of incorporating shapes and lines in designs. By using shapes and lines in combination with other design trends, you can easily get creative, portray certain messages, and/or guide the eye movement to the areas of the design that you want most focus on.

The graphic design mainly modern logo design and website trends for 2020 will all feature a general alignment with abstract forms of art and design. Mix and match these trends to get as creative as you can, but at the same time, avoid doing too much as it will only distract the audience.

Also Read:  Modern Logo Designing Tips Every Brand Should Follow in 2020


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