Some straight-forward ways to boost your website’s UX and increase your sales

So, you’re all set up to make some sales with your news website. However, after a month you realize that something is not adding up. Users are visiting your website, but the bounce rate is the same. They are just bouncing off right after landing on your website.

What might be the problem? One solid reason is, your website User Experience (UX) sucks!

As a website owner, it is your responsibility to take note of all the essential aspects of your website.

Even the most professional web design company understands the need to focus on the UX of the website.

Here will be presenting some tips to get yourself going on how to improve your website UX?

Make it Mobile-Friendly

Some consider this as a choice, but at this age, it is not. For you to succeed, you need to make your website work on mobile smoothly.

Being mobile-friendly is not a choice anymore. You need to be there where your users are. Moreover, more than 80% of the users are on mobile.

Whether you believe it or not, people are buying from mobile phones, reading blogs on mobile phones, availing services on mobile phones.

Make the best use of White Space

Lack of White space is another factor which is forcing users to leave the website without browsing on it.

Users are trained to see what is in between. It would be best if you had to plan the white space on your website. Make it enough to see what is working and is the website properly showing the USP on your website.

Page Loading Time

Nothing frustrates the user other than a slow website. If you’re willing to convert visitors into leads, you need to work on your website page load time. Make it as simple as possible. So, the website opens without any delays.

Research shows that it only takes 2 seconds to decide whether your website is worth it or not.

In those two seconds, you need to make the first good impression. As an owner of web design company shares his advice that ‘My sales boosted to around 40% when I worked on the website page speed of my website.’

This means you can do the same. For your website, you need to make sure that it loads before the user makes up his mind to leave your website or to continue your shopping.

Redesign your logo

Sometimes it is not just about changing the interface of the website; sometimes the only change that you need is changing the logo. The logo is more than a piece drawing lying at the top of your website. A website logo is your brand identity. Your brand representation and reputation depend upon that logo.

The way you design the logo, the colors, the symbol reflects the perception that your users will create regarding your brand. If you are serious about leaving a strong impression in the eyes of the customers, you must go for a professional logo design agency to get it done for you.

However, there are few things that you can consider while designing a logo for yourself or even if someone else is designing the logo.

  • The tagline in the logo must be clear.
  • The colors used in the logo should be same all over the website.
  • Use shapes that mean something for your brand.
  • Create a story around the logo to impress customers.
  • Every element in your logo must mean something to the customer.
  • Check the final logo of various platforms and see how it looks.

Eliminate the 404 Error’s

For some of the website owners, this might not be a big deal; for others, this counts a lot. If you are willing for Google to rank your website higher, you need to eliminate the 404 error on your website.

Go into Google Web Master tool and see which pages are down and omit them from your site index.

This will let Google know that you’re you care about the website and you are giving him know which pages are dead in your website.


There are new trends in the market. For you to catch up on those trends, you need to make your UX count. From now onwards you need to take care of the above mentioned UX practices and add them to your website.


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