How Much Should a Professional Logo Design Cost?

Logo designs are expected to be different with regards to their concept, design, and style. This distinction compels them to be priced differently while simultaneously making it impossible to settle on a universal price for the same.

This brings about the question “how much should a professional logo design cost?” Determining the cost of a logo design is indeed an intricate task as the price is usually a determinant of the skills, quality, and credibility of the designer. However; the charges can be divided into two broad categories, as below.

SEE ALSO: How to Develop a Company Logo

Hourly Rate

logo design Hourly Rate

There are designers that charge businesses on the basis of the hours spent in completing the design task. The hourly rate can be as low as $10 per hour or as high as $500 per hour; depending upon the skills and the process as followed by the designer.

It is important for a business to mention its deadline to the designer before the deal is closed. This way the client will be able to identify the time that the designer will take to prepare the designs while also being able to determine the cost of the logo beforehand.


Fixed/Flat Rate

logo design Fixed Rate

Another category is that of designers that charge a flat price for the logo. This price depends upon the design description as provided by the client. These designers hence, scrutinize the efforts that will go into the making of a logo after which they come up with a price that justifies their efforts put into the task.

It is vital for a business to go through its budget before choosing a designer that for a fixed price logo. Also, checking the designer’s portfolio can also help a business opt for the best designer for the task at hand.

The logo design rate also depends upon the means by which the design is being created.


Freelance Logo Designers

Freelance Logo Designers

Freelance graphic designers can be seen working on both hourly and fixed rates. These designers often take up projects via bidding on them. Also, businesses get the privilege of mentioning their budget to the freelance designers while negotiating on the price before the deal is closed.

These designers are likely to charge within the logo design price range of $10 to $1000 for a logo design. Their price largely depends upon their level of expertise and number of projects undertaken in the same domain.


Graphic Design Agencies

Graphic Design Agencies

Then there are graphic design agencies that charge a fortune of money from their clients. The price charged, however; is worthwhile since these agencies are habitual of going through an extensive process before coming up with a design. Their design process includes phases such as market research, competitor research, brainstorming, idea generation, designing, revising, and final files submission.

The logo design price these agencies charge may start from $1000 per logo; no matter how simple the design may be. However; if a business wishes for quality, a design agency is the best to opt for.


Logo Design Contests

Logo Design Contests

This has been the newest amongst all. Logo design contests are held on websites that have a pool of designers to serve the needs of its clients. These websites, upon the request of a business/client, announce a contest in which designers are free to send in their designs for the project. The client then gets the privilege of viewing all the designs while paying for the best one. These competitions hence, allow clients to go through several options before making their final decision.

What Else to Consider?

A logo is meant to be a vital element in the success of a business. It does not only form the business’s visual identity but also promotes the brand at all levels. Hence, a logo is likely to be placed on several items including business cards, website, social media etc.

Being the face of a business, a logo should be able to connect well with its audience. A logo that lacks the ability to build an association is not worthwhile. Hence, a business should always ensure that its logo design packages and prices remain aligned with the value that the logo will provide to the business in the future.

affordable graphic design services


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