Simple and Effective Ways to Boost Traffic on Your Blog Post

Well, the question is, why blog? There are mainly three reasons, and the top reason is that it can be a lot of fun if you are interested in blog writing. When you write a blog post, you are actually interacting with a larger audience, and also it’s an opportunity to share your views about any particular topic with everyone. Besides that, when it’s (blogging) done beautifully, it could make your business authoritative in your domain. Last but not least, it has the power to boost traffic on your website as well.

As experts say, businesses where blogging is included in the regular tasks attract more than 55% traffic compared to those that don’t. So, if you love to write on different topics and write quite well, then you can bring more visitors to your blog and, of course, your company website. And everybody in the business line knows about the meaning of more visitors: the more the website’s traffic, the more sales probability and profit will be.

But the real difficulty is about how to create a successful blog? In this article, we will look at how to write a successful blog and boost traffic on your blog post through this digital marketing strategy. So, let’s start!


Find the right one to write your blog

The key to getting your blog post noticed and attracting traffic is to write an engaging and interesting one. If the person you selected has understanding and excitement in what is there to write about, the content you will get would be way better. Blogs produced from the core of your heart are more likely to bring more and more visitors to your website.

However, if you think that you are not the right one to write for the website for any reason like you don’t have an interest in writing or don’t have the time to spend on it, then don’t just do it! You can hire a person just for the writing person, but you need to pick the right one. Anyone who succeeds in composing the blog posts on the site must have a distinct style. People relate with authors as there is a lot to appreciate — or perhaps loathe — about their persona, mouthiness, or vocal inflection.

When a visitor enjoys YOU as an author, rather than merely the excellence of your product, your blog is far easier to entice a loyal audience. As a result, ensure that your individuality shines through in your articles. It enables you to build a connection with your visitors, who are much more likely to return to your site in response to liking you as a person.


Conduct keyword research to know about interesting topics to write

It’s incredibly simple to sit at the table and compose blog content that goes into great detail on issues no one cares about! Likewise, it is also easy to write on a topic that people really want to know about. But creativity comes when you have to write an exciting title, including words and phrases that nobody searches for.

Here comes your stress reliever (keyword research). You can utilize keyword research tools to identify which keyword has more search volume in a month. You can also know how tough it is to rank on any specific keyword.

Here’s a pro tip: search for the keyword for which there isn’t much competition. It can help produce a fair amount of traffic on your post and ultimately on your website. And when you are done with the keyword research, you need to know about all the right places where you should place your keyword. Places where keywords should be included are meta description, body copy, header, title, and alt text.


Try to produce a bit lengthy content for the blog

According to some research, the extended content in your blog performs better in the search engine result than short-form content. Here size matters! Long-form content describes articles with a significant number of words that delve into great detail on a specific subject. There are several explanations that long-form material aids in generating greater rankings in search engine results.

On the top is that there will be more and more keywords in the long-form blog post. Consequently, they’re more certain to show up in searches involving ‘long tail’ terms. Secondly (and maybe most significantly), a lengthy post’s in-depth character is much more sufficient to convince people who flip through it – it becomes more willing to reply to your visitor’s question or resolve their issue.

Moreover, the chances are that your long-form post could get the desired attention, and people will likely share it on social media. As a result, there will be more traffic on your website. But, keep one thing in mind: the post length shouldn’t be too long. It’s a fact that people tend to scroll through blogs that are too short but don’t overdo it.

However, do not trade quality and usefulness just for the sake of fitting in the long-form box. It’s doubtful that perhaps consumers or Google search would appreciate you for that. Because as per Google, quality matters the most to rank higher in search engine results.


Try to keep your blog content updated

When you do research into SEO and blogging, you will see more and more articles, which will stress you out in a way that you will seek to update your content. You will find yourself in dire need of keeping your blog content fresh all the time. So that people take an interest in your post and bring traffic to your site.

In my opinion, it is imperative to update your content to keep all the facts straight with the help of updated information you come across on the internet. It mostly sends Google the ‘newness’ sign that perhaps the search engine’s robots like, yet it also often lengthens postings that provide the ‘long-form’ stuff that performs highly in search rankings.

However, publishing fresh posts on a daily basis has obvious benefits: the more material you have on your blog, hence more keywords you could appear for. But still, the most important thing is that your content must be strong.


Add quality images to your blog

It’s actually crucial to include images in your blog post as it will be easier for the readers to understand what you are trying to tell them. It’s especially necessary when you are talking about a technical topic, people see the image, and it becomes a lot simpler to understand. Images help people know more of what you are trying to say as they can also see what the text is describing.

Additionally, if people share your post on social media, the main picture from your blog post is going to appear. So, when that picture is blurry, there’s likely to be less clickthrough on the post. Also, just like the text, images could be optimized by using keywords into the picture’s ‘alt text.’ It will give Google bot a better understanding of what your post is all about.

Eventually, the quality images make your content reliable. Instead of utilizing a blurry or poor-quality image in your blog, make use of extraordinary photos for your post to be held more sincerely. However, there are some essential things you need to keep in mind, and that is to keep a check on the file size since the bigger file takes more time in loading while the short one consumes less.

One more thing is that you could only utilize images that you have the right to use; otherwise, you could end up with hundreds of dollars fine for copyright infringement.


Make your blog entries search engine friendly

To offer your blog entries the best possible opportunity of doing well in Google search, you need to execute a number of technical measures referred to as ‘on-page SEO.’

Always remember to:

  • Write article headlines that properly convey what you’re talking about and represent your keyword analysis.
  • Put keywords in the URL of every article that is relevant to the topic
  • To divide up information, utilize keyword-rich headlines (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.).
  • For all photos, employ keyword-rich alternative text or media files.


There still are some things you need to know about technical SEO and should apply to your blog posts. For example, content that loads faster is preferable for Google, and fortunately, some things can assist you in this:

  • First things first, don’t forget to register your site with the Google search console.
  • Keep a check on all the files, make sure every file you have included is not significant.
  • Preventing the deployment of words on the page that aren’t required.
  • Bringing your website up to Google’s updated ‘Core Web Vitals’ performance and stability criteria.


Create high-quality backlinks to your articles

At its most basic stage, there are 2 essential requirements for a blog article to appear in search: First of all, and importantly, your article must include high-quality material. Secondly, it should have a large number of backlinks going to it from different websites. We talked about ‘quality content’ earlier, and you should focus on generating long articles that thoroughly and adequately address the subject you’re writing on. Consistently strive to answer the reader’s questions or fix their problems.

Obtaining backlinks is typically a considerably more complex operation, as it entails contacting a large number of writers and site operators and requesting that they incorporate a link to your article in their postings. It’s almost like an internet public relations effort. This type of engagement requires a while, but it’s necessary, and if done well, it could be highly profitable.


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