Hiring A Designer One on One Vs Crowd-sourcing – What’s the Difference and Which Should You Choose?

With design becoming the utmost necessity for every industry, a lot of different design sources and platforms have started being formed. Amid all, platforms that allow hiring a designer one on one and those with the opportunities of crowd-sourcing are pretty common. As you look at them at first, both of these services look similar and seem to fulfill similar kinds of needs. However, there’s a lot of difference prevailing behind the two names. Unless you put in the right focus, you might end up with a design that’s overpriced and less qualitative.

Hiring A Designer One on One Vs. CROWD-SOURCING ─ What’s What?

As you look at them distantly, both these sources of hiring custom logo designers tend to be similar. However, there is a great difference between the approaches they follow. As far as the platforms offering the opportunity of hiring a designer one on one are concerned, they allow you to directly hire a designer from their pool of professional experts and lets you work with them exclusively. While with crowd-sourcing platforms, you have to put up a design contest where all the different designers available can come up with their proposed designs and you have the right to choose the one you like most among them.

Despite the fact that both kinds of platforms offer similar services, their varying approach creates a huge difference. While the focus of crowd-sourcing platforms is mainly at conducting the contests and providing you with a variety of design ideas based on your description, platforms that offer hiring a designer one on one are determinant at providing a close end experience where you can directly deal with a designer and get your imaginations turned into designs without any gaps in communication.


Design Pricing and Quality─ Hiring A Designer One on One Vs. CROWD-SOURCING

Comparing pricing between the two is a bit critical. Both kinds of platforms seem to charge according to their packages but have to look a little deeper at the features they offer to make an adequate choice.

For instance, the prices at crowd-sourcing platforms are relatively lower in comparison to those at the platforms that allow hiring a designer one to one. But when you look deeper at the features being offered, you’ll see that crowd-sourcing platforms no doubt provides you with an excessive number of designs at low cost, but they aren’t as qualitative as the few designs you get by hiring a one on one designer.

The more you pay at crowd-sourcing platforms, the greater number of submissions you get regardless of what skill level those designers occupied. Whereas, spending bigger at platforms that allow hiring a designer one on one ensures that your designs will be crafted by high-end professional designers. Be it less in quantity, they are better in quality for sure.

What justifies that the designs you get from a one on one designer are better than those crowd-sourced?

Well, there are tons of big fat justifications. However, the one I can tell you here is enough to justify the argument.

With crowd-sourcing, you can only send in a creative brief and wait for the designs to come up. Then you have to choose the one you like and in case none of them are good enough, your time and money both are wasted. While hiring a designer from one on one platforms allows you to better explain your ideas and chose a design that seems to reciprocate well with your requirements. By this, I don’t mean to say that the designers at crowd-sourcing platforms aren’t talented and skilled enough in comparison to those available at platforms from where you can hire a one on one designer. But the probability of getting your designs crafted by a talented professional designer is lesser with a crowd-sourcing platform.


Hiring A Designer One on One Vs CROWD-SOURCING ─ Which Should You Chose?

Now that you’ve learned about all the differences between both design sources, it’s time to make a decision. Seems like the above discussion has made it quite simple. If you are mainly concerned about the prices, crowd-sourcing can be a great option. However, if the quality is your primary agenda and you’re more likely interested in working with high-end professional yet cost-effective graphic designers then to work with the platforms that allow hiring a designer one on one. Whichever option you might choose, it’s always great to look deep at the features being offered and decide whether they are compatible with your requirements or not.


Read-More : Eight Questions to Ask While Hiring a Designer Virtually



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